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With a largely painless Soft-Glide® needle insertion,
it significantly reduces the penetration force required to insert the needle into the skin,
maximising patient comfort during the infusion
Ideal for patients with sensitive skin (elderly, children and patients with thin skin), it offers
optimal flow performance with a wide range of infusible liquid viscosities.
Disposable filter device, usable with any type of infusion set for the prevention and protection from:
Presence of air inside the infusion set and syringe removed from the ventilation system
Presence of particles such as glass or plastic fragments.
Insuflon consists of a soft cannula that is gentle on the skin tissue.
It is small in size and easy to manage, only 18 mm long with an external diameter of 0.6 mm.
At least 75 injections can be given through this cannula.
Insuflon can be left subcutaneously from 3 to 7 days, depending on the type of medicine and the volume to be administered.
Microperforator for the aspiration of drugs to be used with CRN® CRONO® Reservoir syringes.
Is class medical device, (Standard 2 of Annex IX of Directive 93/42/EEC and subsequent amendments introduced by European Directive 2007/47/EC).
LLM/LLF one-way valve that prevents back-flow, with LLM and LLF labyrinthine caps.
Y-joint for the administration of liquid substances in two different infusion sites.
Neria is a subcutaneous infusion device with a stainless-steel needle, specially designed to ensure patient comfort and discretion and allow easy use of the device. The Neria™ infusion device has an insertion angle of 90 degrees. The insertion method is quick and easy, thus facilitating patient self-management and making it appropriate for long-term treatments.